Online Analysis


This page provides information on how to perform online analysis using CXLS. Online analysis is the process of analyzing data in real-time as it is being collected. This is in contrast to offline analysis, where data is analyzed after it has been collected.

Online analysis is useful for a variety of reasons. For example, it can be used to monitor the quality of the data as it is being collected. It can also be used to perform real-time analysis of the data, which can be useful for making decisions about the experiment.

CXLS provides a number of tools for performing online analysis. These tools are described in detail in the following sections.

Online Analysis Tools

CXLS provides a number of tools for performing online analysis. These tools are described in detail in the following sections.

  1. CrystFEL

    • CrystFEL is a software package for processing crystallographic data. It can be used to perform online analysis of crystallographic data.

  2. gpCAM

    • gpCAM is a software package for processing crystallographic data. It can be used to perform online analysis of crystallographic data.

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Online Analysis Workflow

The online analysis workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Data Acquisition
    • Collect the data from the desired source.

  2. Step 2: Preprocessing
    • Clean and preprocess the data to remove noise and artifacts.

  3. Step 3: Feature Extraction
    • Extract relevant features from the preprocessed data.

  4. Step 4: Model Training
    • Train a machine learning model using the extracted features.

  5. Step 5: Real-time Analysis
    • Perform real-time analysis on new data using the trained model.

  6. Step 6: Visualization
    • Visualize the results of the real-time analysis.

  7. Step 7: Decision Making
    • Make decisions based on the results of the real-time analysis.

  8. Step 8: Data Storage
    • Store the results of the real-time analysis for future use.


For introduction and high-level overview of CrystFEL, crystfel_tutorial.

  • Please click this link for the in-depth overview: Full Tutorial

For troubleshooting, please refer to the CrystFEL documentation

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AI/ML Data Package 1 (gpCAM)

The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee group has developed a data package for online analysis of time-resolved data. This is an adaptation for the uses of gpCAM developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The documentation will be underconstruction. Please refer to the gpCAM documentation for the time being.

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AI/ML Time Resolved Data Package

The AI/ML Time Resolved Data Package is a collection of data and scripts that can be used to perform online analysis of time-resolved data. The data package contains the following files:

  • data/: A directory containing the data files.

  • scripts/: A directory containing the scripts.

  • A file containing information about the data package.

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This page provides a high-level overview of the CXLS online analysis workflow. For detailed instructions and examples, refer to the specific sections in the documentation.

For any further assistance, please consult the CXLS documentation or seek help from the CXLS community.