Water Background Subtraction Project (Main)

This project is a simple implementation of background subtraction.

Within the project, there are three main project files:

  • h5_background_subtraction_10_2_23.py

  • h5_stream_background_subtraction_10_2_23.py

  • overwrite_10_2_23.py.

All of these are found under the src/ directory. The first file contains the main code for this page, while the others were adaptations on this.

GitHub Repositories:


The following modules are imported for use in the program:

import os
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

PeakThresholdProcessor Class

The PeakThresholdProcessor class is used for processing the image peak values in the image array, above or at a specified threshold value. This class provides functions for setting and retrieving coordinate values these values.

The following functions are defined in the PeakThresholdProcessor class:

class PeakThresholdProcessor

Initialize the PeakThresholdProcessor with the image array and coordinate threshold value.

  • image_array (numpy.ndarray) – The image array to be processed.

  • threshold_value (float, optional) – The threshold value to be used for processing the image array, defaults to 0.


Returns coordinate list of x and y values above the threshold value.

Return type



Set a new threshold value for the image array.


new_threshold_value (float) – The new threshold value to be used for processing the image array.


Getter method which returns the current threshold value for the image array.


The current threshold value for the image array.

Return type


ArrayRegion Class

The ArrayRegion class is used for processing the image array region, using the coordinate values provided. This class provides functions for setting and retrieving coordinate values these values.

The following functions are defined in the ArrayRegion class:

class ArrayRegion(array)

Initialize the ArrayRegion class with the image array.


array (numpy.ndarray) – The image array to be processed.


The x coordinate of the center of the region. First coordinate in tuple.




The y coordinate of the center of the region. Second coordinate in tuple.




The size of the region radius.



set_peak_coordinate(x, y)

Set the x and y coordinates of the center of the region using chosen coordinate.

  • x (int) – The x coordinate of the center of the region.

  • y (int) – The y coordinate of the center of the region.


Set the size of the region radius.


size (int) – The size of the region radius.


Get the region from the image array.


The region from the image array.

Return type


Helper Functions


This method loads an HDF5 file and prints a success message if the file is loaded successfully. If the file is not found within the working directory, it prints an error message.


filename (str) – The path to the HDF5 file.

extract_region(image_array, region_size, x_center, y_center)

This function calls the ArrayRegion class to extract the region from the image array.

  • image_array (numpy.ndarray) – The image array to be processed.

  • region_size (int) – The size of the region radius.

  • x_center (int) – The x coordinate of the center of the region.

  • y_center (int) – The y coordinate of the center of the region.


The extracted region from the image array.

Return type


Coordinate Menu Function

coordinate_menu is the focus of this program, is used interactively with the user to display the chosen coordiante value. Visualizing the region of the chosen coordinate value, and displaying the average surrounding peak value and the intensity peak value.

coordinate_menu(image_array, threshold_value, coordinates, radius)

This function displays the coordinates above the given threshold and radius, and allows the user to interactively select the coordinate for further processing.

  • image_array (numpy.ndarray) – The image array to be processed.

  • threshold_value (float) – The thresold value used to determine the coordiantes.

  • coordinates (list[tuple[int, int]]) – A tuple list of coordinates (x,y) above the thresold.

  • radius (int) – The radius around each coordinate to be processed.

The user is prompted to choose a coordinate. Function displays 9x9 two-dimensional array, the segment, and the boolean array of traversed values. The function then returns the average surrounding peak value and the intensity peak value.


The average surrounding peak value and the intensity peak value.

Return type

tuple[float, float]

def coordinate_menu(image_array, threshold_value, coordinates, radius):
    print("\nCoordinates above given threshold:", threshold_value, 'with radius: ', radius)
    for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coordinates):
        print(f"{i + 1}. ({x}, {y}")

    while True:
        choice = input("\nWhich coordinate do you want to process? (or 'q' to quit)\n")
        if choice == "q":
            count = int(choice) - 1
            if 0 <= count < len(coordinates):
                x, y = coordinates[count]
                print(f"\nProcessing - ({x}, {y})")
                print('Printing 9x9 two-dimensional array\n')

                # creates visualization if the array, of chosen peak
                display_region = extract_region(image_array, region_size=4, x_center=x, y_center=y)
                print('DISPLAY REGION \n', display_region, '\n')

                # segment is the area with the given radius that's passed through the function.
                segment = extract_region(image_array, region_size=radius, x_center=x, y_center=y)
                print ('SEGMENT \n', segment, '\n')

                # returns boolean array of traversed values.
                bool_square = np.zeros_like(segment, dtype=bool)
                print('BOOLEAN', '\n', bool_square, '\n')

                values_array = extract_region(image_array, region_size=radius, x_center=x, y_center=y)

                global avg_values, intensity_peak
                total_sum = 0; skipped_point = None; count = 0; intensity_peak = 0
                for col_index in range(values_array.shape[0]):
                    for row_index in range(values_array.shape[1]):
                        if values_array[row_index, col_index] >= 0:
                            count += 1
                            bool_square[row_index, col_index] = True
                            if row_index == radius and col_index == radius:
                                skipped_point = (row_index, col_index)
                                intensity_peak = values_array[row_index, col_index]
                                print(f'Peak point to be skipped: ({row_index}, {col_index}) ', values_array[radius,radius])
                            elif abs(row_index - radius) <= 1 and abs(col_index - radius) <=1:
                                print(f'Passed (row, col) ({row_index}, {col_index})', values_array[row_index,col_index])
                                print(f'(row,col) ({row_index}, {col_index}) with a value of ', values_array[row_index, col_index])
                                total_sum += values_array[row_index, col_index]
                print('Number of traversed cells', count)
                print('Peak point to be skipped:', skipped_point)
                print('Total sum:',total_sum)
                avg_values = total_sum / count
                print('Average surrounding peak:',avg_values)


                create_scatter(result_x, result_y, result_z, highlight_x=x, highlight_y=y)
                return avg_values,intensity_peak
                print("Invalid coordinate index.")
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Enter a number or 'q' to quit.")

This function builds the intensity peak value for the chosen coordinate, used in the create_scatter function.


A tuple containing four lists: x values, y values, z values, and columns needed for create_scatter.

Return type

tuple[list, list, list, list]

def build_coord_intensity():
    global result_x, result_y, result_z, coordinates_and_intensities
    result_z = []
    threshold = PeakThresholdProcessor(image_array, threshold_value=.01)
    coord_above_threshold = threshold.get_coordinates_above_threshold()
    coord_above_threshold = np.array(coord_above_threshold)

    for i in coord_above_threshold:
        result_x = coord_above_threshold[:,0]
        result_y = coord_above_threshold[:,1]

    result_x = np.array(result_x)
    result_y = np.array(result_y)

    for i in range(len(coord_above_threshold)):
        x = result_x[i]
        y = result_y[i]
        z = image_array[x,y]
    # creating a coordinate and intensity array to store the values we want to plot.
    coordinates_and_intensities = np.column_stack((result_x, result_y, result_z))
    return result_x, result_y, result_z, coordinates_and_intensities
create_scatter(x, y, z, highlight_x=None, highlight_y=None)
`create_scatter ` creates visualization for chosen highlighted coordinate, using matplotlib.pyplot.
  • x (list) – list of x coordinate values.

  • y (list) – list of y coordinate values.

  • z (list) – list of z coordinate values, intensities.

  • highlight_x (int) – The x coordinate of the center of the region.

  • highlight_y (int) – The y coordinate of the center of the region.

Main Function

The main function processes image data from specified HDF5 file for 3-ring integration analysis. Calling coordinate_menu for increasing radius value.


Loads and processes image data from HDF5 file.

param filename

The path to the HDF5 file containing image data.

type filename


The function performs the following steps:

  1. File Loading:

    • It calls load_h5 to load the specified HDF5 file.

  2. Image Data Extraction:

    • Extracts the NumPy array from the HDF5 file, which is 2D array of zeros with shape of (4371, 4150).

  3. Threshold Processing:

    • It calls PeakThresholdProcessor and creates object with the extracted array region and a threshold of 1000. Then retrieving the coordinates above this threshold.

  4. Ring Integration Analysis:

    • Interactively calls coordinate_menu for a set of radii (1,2,3,4). And for each value in the list, this calculates and prints the peak estimate by subtracting the average value from the intensity peak value.

The function sets a global variable image_array to store the image data and coordinates to store the coordinates above the threshold. The global variable intensity_peak and avg_values are used to calculate the peak estimates.

The script also defines paths for working with image files and calls the main function with different image paths for processing.