CXLS Overview


The CXLS Compact X-ray Light Source is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to cutting-edge research in compact X-ray technology and its applications in various fields. Our laboratory is equipped with advanced X-ray systems and experimental setups, allowing researchers to explore new frontiers in compact X-ray-based research.

Research Areas

Our laboratory focuses on the following research areas:

  1. Compact X-ray imaging techniques for biomedical applications.

  2. Compact X-ray-assisted fabrication of micro and nanostructures for advanced devices.

  3. Compact X-ray-based materials analysis and characterization.

  4. Compact X-ray diagnostics and therapeutics for various industries.

  5. Compact X-ray safety and optimization of X-ray parameters for different applications.

Facilities and Equipment

Our laboratory is equipped with the latest compact X-ray systems and experimental setups, including:

  • High-power compact X-ray sources for precision imaging and analysis.

  • Ultrafast compact X-ray systems for high-resolution imaging.

  • Compact X-ray microscopy systems for detailed analysis.

  • X-ray safety equipment and protocols to ensure a safe working environment.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We actively collaborate with researchers, scientists, and industry partners to foster innovation and advance compact X-ray-based research. Our laboratory welcomes collaborations and partnerships from academia, industry, and other research institutions.

Contact Us

For more information about the CXLS Compact X-ray Light Source and our research activities, please contact:

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring opportunities for collaboration!