RCSB Search API Scripts
The RCSB Search API Scripts provide a convenient way to interact with the RCSB Search API, allowing users to search and download PDB files based on specific criteria.
Official Documentation
For more information about the RCSB Search API, visit the official documentation: RCSB Search API.
Installation and Setup
Install RCSB Search API:
Install the RCSB Search API using pip:
pip install rcsbsearchapi
Clone the Repository:
Clone the PDB RCSB API Scripts repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/adamkurth/pdb_rcsb_api_scripts.git
Repository Link: PDB RCSB API Repo
Accessing PDB IDs using scrape.py
The scrape.py script, located in the root directory of the pdb_rcsb_api_scripts repository, is used to retrieve PDB IDs from the RCSB Search API.
Run the script with the desired symmetry and limit:
python scrape.py [symmetry] --limit limit
python scrape.py cubic --limit 100
symmetry: Symmetry of the protein (e.g., -h monoclinic).
limit: Number of PDB IDs to retrieve (e.g., –limit 100).
Script Overview:
The script utilizes several classes and functions from the rcsbsearchapi package to perform queries and handle results:
from rcsbsearchapi import AttributeQuery, STRUCTURE_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE
import argparse
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery, AttributeQuery, SequenceQuery, SeqMotifQuery, StructSimilarityQuery, Attr
from rcsbsearchapi import rcsb_attributes as attrs
from rcsbsearchapi.const import STRUCTURE_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE
import argparse
# From rcsbsearchapi
# comment and add as needed, for reference check the quickstart.ipynb in rcsbsearchapi repo
def get_pdb_ids(space_group, str_type, limit=50):
# By default, service is set to "text" for structural attribute search
q1 = AttributeQuery("symmetry.cell_setting", "exact_match", str_type, STRUCTURE_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE)
q2 = AttributeQuery("symmetry.space_group_name_H_M", "exact_match", space_group, STRUCTURE_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE)
query = q2 # combining queries use & | operators
pdb_ids = list(query())
pdb_lim = truncate(pdb_ids, limit)
print(f"From search: {space_group} \n", pdb_lim)
return pdb_lim
def truncate(pdb_ids, limit):
if len(pdb_ids) > limit:
pdb_ids = pdb_ids[:limit]
return pdb_ids
def interactive_script():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download PDB files based on symmetry and space group.')
parser.add_argument('symmetry_shape', type=str, help='Crystal symmetry to list space groups for')
parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=50, help='Limit number of PDB files to download (default: 50)')
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
symmetry_shape = args.symmetry_shape
symmetry_shape = symmetry_shape.lower()
limit = args.limit
space_groups = {
# Additional space groups from International Tables for Crystallography (ITC)
"cubic": ["P 2 3", "F 2 3", "I 2 3", "P 21 3", "I 21 3", "P 4 3 2", "P 42 3 2", "F 4 3 2", "F 41 3 2", "I 4 3 2", "P 43 3 2", "P 41 3 2", "I 41 3 2", "P 42 3 2", "I 42 3 2", "F 43 3 2", "F 41 3 2", "I 43 3 2", "P 4 3 3", "F 4 3 3", "I 4 3 3", "P 41 3 3", "I 41 3 3", "P 42 3 3", "I 42 3 3", "P 43 3 3", "I 43 3 3"],
"tetragonal": ["P 4 2 2", "P 42 2 2", "P 4 21 2", "P 41 2 2", "P 41 21 2", "P 42 21 2", "I 4 2 2", "I 41 2 2", "P 4 2 3", "P 42 2 3", "F 4 2 3", "F 41 2 3", "I 4 2 3", "P 43 2 3", "P 41 2 3", "I 41 2 3", "P 42 2 3", "I 42 2 3", "F 43 2 3", "F 41 2 3", "I 43 2 3"],
"orthorhombic": ["P 2 2 2", "P 2 2 21", "P 2 21 2", "P 21 2 2", "P 21 2 21", "P 21 21 2", "P 21 21 21", "C 2 2 21", "C 2 2 2", "F 2 2 2", "I 2 2 2", "P 2 2 2 1", "P 2 2 21 1", "P 2 21 2 1", "P 21 2 2 1", "P 21 2 21 1", "P 21 21 2 1", "P 21 21 21 1", "C 2 2 21 1", "C 2 2 2 1", "F 2 2 2 1", "I 2 2 2 1"],
"hexagonal": ["P 3", "P 31", "P 32", "P 3 1 2", "P 3 2 1", "R 3", "R 3 2", "P -3", "P 3*", "P 31*", "P 32*", "R 3*", "R 3 2*", "P -3*", "R -3", "R -3 2", "P 3 1 21", "P 3 21 1", "P 31 1 2", "P 31 2 1", "P 32 1 2", "P 32 2 1", "P 6", "P 61", "P 65", "P 62", "P 64", "P 63", "P 6 1 22", "P 6 5 22", "P 6 2 22", "P 6 4 22", "P 6 3 22", "P 6 1 2 1", "P 6 5 2 1", "P 6 2 2 1", "P 6 4 2 1", "P 6 3 2 1"],
"trigonal": ["P 3", "P 31", "P 32", "P 3 1 2", "P 3 2 1", "R 3", "R 3 2", "P -3", "P 3*", "P 31*", "P 32*", "R 3*", "R 3 2*", "P -3*", "R -3", "R -3 2", "P 3 1 21", "P 3 21 1", "P 31 1 2", "P 31 2 1", "P 32 1 2", "P 32 2 1", "P 3 1 2 1", "P 3 2 1 1", "R 3 2 1", "P 3 1 21 1", "P 3 21 1 1", "P 31 1 2 1", "P 31 2 1 1", "P 32 1 2 1", "P 32 2 1 1", "P 3 1 2 1 1", "P 3 2 1 1 1", "R 3 2 1 1"],
"monoclinic": ["P 2 1", "P 21", "C 2 2", "P 2 2 21", "P 2 21 2", "P 21 2 2", "P 21 21 2", "P 21 21 21", "C 2 2 21", "C 2 2 2", "I 2 2 2", "P 2 2 2 1", "P 2 2 21 1", "P 2 21 2 1", "P 21 2 2 1", "P 21 2 21 1", "P 21 21 2 1", "P 21 21 21 1", "C 2 2 21 1", "C 2 2 2 1", "I 2 2 2 1"],
"triclinic": ["P 1", "P -1", "P 1 1 2", "P 1 1 21", "P 1 21 1", "P 21 1 1", "P 1 21 21", "P 21 1 21", "P 21 21 1", "P 1 1 2 1", "P 1 1 21 1", "P 1 21 1 1", "P 21 1 1 1", "P 1 21 21 1", "P 21 1 21 1", "P 21 21 1 1", "P 1 1 2 1 1", "P 1 1 21 1 1", "P 1 21 1 1 1", "P 21 1 1 1 1", "P 1 21 21 1 1", "P 21 1 21 1 1", "P 21 21 1 1 1"],
# Check if the symmetry_shape is valid and list possible space groups
if symmetry_shape in space_groups:
print(f"Select a space group for symmetry shape '{symmetry_shape}':")
for idx, sg in enumerate(space_groups[symmetry_shape], 1):
print(f"{idx}. {sg}")
# Prompt the user to select a space group
sg_choice = int(input("Enter the number of your chosen space group: "))
if 1 <= sg_choice <= len(space_groups[symmetry_shape]):
selected_space_group = space_groups[symmetry_shape][sg_choice - 1]
print(f"You have selected space group '{selected_space_group}'.")
print(f"Retrieving up to {limit} PDB IDs for space group '{selected_space_group}'...")
# Retrieve and print PDB IDs for the selected space group
ids = get_pdb_ids(selected_space_group, symmetry_shape, limit)
print("Invalid choice. Please run the script again and select a valid number.")
print(f"Invalid symmetry shape '{symmetry_shape}'. Please run the script again with a valid symmetry shape.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
get_pdb_ids(): Retrieves PDB IDs based on space group and structure type.
truncate(): Limits the number of PDB IDs to the specified limit.
interactive_script(): Provides an interactive command-line interface for the user.
Downloading PDB Files using download_pdb_files.py
The download_pdb_files.py script allows users to download PDB files based on specified criteria.
Run the script with the desired symmetry and limit:
python download_pdb_files.py [symmetry] --limit limit
python download_pdb_files.py cubic --limit 100
Script Overview:
This script creates a directory named pdb_files in the root directory of the pdb_rcsb_api_scripts repository and organizes downloaded PDB files.
import requests
import os
import argparse
from scrape import get_pdb_ids # Import the function from scrape.py
class ProteinDownloader:
"""Class to download PDB files for specified proteins."""
def __init__(self, base_dir=None):
"""Initialize ProteinDownloader class."""
self.base_dir = base_dir or os.getcwd()
def is_url_accessible(self, url):
"""Check if a URL is accessible."""
response = requests.head(url)
return response.status_code == 200
def download_files(self, protein_ids, space_group):
"""Download PDB files for specified proteins, organized by space group."""
formatted_space_group = space_group.replace(" ", "") # remove spaces
target_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, f"{formatted_space_group}/data/ids")
os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create directory structure
PDB_URL_TEMPLATE = "https://files.rcsb.org/download/{}.pdb"
for protein_id in protein_ids:
print(f"Processing Protein: {protein_id}, Space Group: {formatted_space_group}")
pdb_url = PDB_URL_TEMPLATE.format(protein_id)
if self.is_url_accessible(pdb_url):
response = requests.get(pdb_url)
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, f"{protein_id}.pdb"), 'wb') as file:
print(f"URL not accessible for Protein ID: {protein_id}")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download PDB files based on space group and symmetry.')
parser.add_argument('symmetry_shape', type=str, help='Crystal symmetry to list space groups for')
parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=50, help='Limit number of PDB files to download')
parser.add_argument('--base_dir', type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help='Base directory to save PDB files to')
args = parser.parse_args()
space_groups = {
# Additional space groups from International Tables for Crystallography (ITC)
"cubic": ["P 2 3", "F 2 3", "I 2 3", "P 21 3", "I 21 3", "P 4 3 2", "P 42 3 2", "F 4 3 2", "F 41 3 2", "I 4 3 2", "P 43 3 2", "P 41 3 2", "I 41 3 2", "P 42 3 2", "I 42 3 2", "F 43 3 2", "F 41 3 2", "I 43 3 2", "P 4 3 3", "F 4 3 3", "I 4 3 3", "P 41 3 3", "I 41 3 3", "P 42 3 3", "I 42 3 3", "P 43 3 3", "I 43 3 3"],
"tetragonal": ["P 4 2 2", "P 42 2 2", "P 4 21 2", "P 41 2 2", "P 41 21 2", "P 42 21 2", "I 4 2 2", "I 41 2 2", "P 4 2 3", "P 42 2 3", "F 4 2 3", "F 41 2 3", "I 4 2 3", "P 43 2 3", "P 41 2 3", "I 41 2 3", "P 42 2 3", "I 42 2 3", "F 43 2 3", "F 41 2 3", "I 43 2 3"],
"orthorhombic": ["P 2 2 2", "P 2 2 21", "P 2 21 2", "P 21 2 2", "P 21 2 21", "P 21 21 2", "P 21 21 21", "C 2 2 21", "C 2 2 2", "F 2 2 2", "I 2 2 2", "P 2 2 2 1", "P 2 2 21 1", "P 2 21 2 1", "P 21 2 2 1", "P 21 2 21 1", "P 21 21 2 1", "P 21 21 21 1", "C 2 2 21 1", "C 2 2 2 1", "F 2 2 2 1", "I 2 2 2 1"],
"hexagonal": ["P 3", "P 31", "P 32", "P 3 1 2", "P 3 2 1", "R 3", "R 3 2", "P -3", "P 3*", "P 31*", "P 32*", "R 3*", "R 3 2*", "P -3*", "R -3", "R -3 2", "P 3 1 21", "P 3 21 1", "P 31 1 2", "P 31 2 1", "P 32 1 2", "P 32 2 1", "P 6", "P 61", "P 65", "P 62", "P 64", "P 63", "P 6 1 22", "P 6 5 22", "P 6 2 22", "P 6 4 22", "P 6 3 22", "P 6 1 2 1", "P 6 5 2 1", "P 6 2 2 1", "P 6 4 2 1", "P 6 3 2 1"],
"trigonal": ["P 3", "P 31", "P 32", "P 3 1 2", "P 3 2 1", "R 3", "R 3 2", "P -3", "P 3*", "P 31*", "P 32*", "R 3*", "R 3 2*", "P -3*", "R -3", "R -3 2", "P 3 1 21", "P 3 21 1", "P 31 1 2", "P 31 2 1", "P 32 1 2", "P 32 2 1", "P 3 1 2 1", "P 3 2 1 1", "R 3 2 1", "P 3 1 21 1", "P 3 21 1 1", "P 31 1 2 1", "P 31 2 1 1", "P 32 1 2 1", "P 32 2 1 1", "P 3 1 2 1 1", "P 3 2 1 1 1", "R 3 2 1 1"],
"monoclinic": ["P 2 1", "P 21", "C 2 2", "P 2 2 21", "P 2 21 2", "P 21 2 2", "P 21 21 2", "P 21 21 21", "C 2 2 21", "C 2 2 2", "I 2 2 2", "P 2 2 2 1", "P 2 2 21 1", "P 2 21 2 1", "P 21 2 2 1", "P 21 2 21 1", "P 21 21 2 1", "P 21 21 21 1", "C 2 2 21 1", "C 2 2 2 1", "I 2 2 2 1"],
"triclinic": ["P 1", "P -1", "P 1 1 2", "P 1 1 21", "P 1 21 1", "P 21 1 1", "P 1 21 21", "P 21 1 21", "P 21 21 1", "P 1 1 2 1", "P 1 1 21 1", "P 1 21 1 1", "P 21 1 1 1", "P 1 21 21 1", "P 21 1 21 1", "P 21 21 1 1", "P 1 1 2 1 1", "P 1 1 21 1 1", "P 1 21 1 1 1", "P 21 1 1 1 1", "P 1 21 21 1 1", "P 21 1 21 1 1", "P 21 21 1 1 1"],
if args.symmetry_shape in space_groups:
print(f"Select a space group for symmetry shape '{args.symmetry_shape}':")
for idx, sg in enumerate(space_groups[args.symmetry_shape], 1):
print(f"{idx}. {sg}")
sg_choice = int(input("Enter the number of your chosen space group: "))
if 1 <= sg_choice <= len(space_groups[args.symmetry_shape]):
selected_space_group = space_groups[args.symmetry_shape][sg_choice - 1]
print(f"You have selected space group '{selected_space_group}'.")
print(f"Retrieving up to {args.limit} PDB IDs for space group '{selected_space_group}'...")
pdb_ids = get_pdb_ids(selected_space_group, args.symmetry_shape, args.limit)
downloader = ProteinDownloader(args.base_dir)
downloader.download_files(pdb_ids, selected_space_group)
print("Invalid choice. Please run the script again and select a valid number.")
print(f"Invalid symmetry shape '{args.symmetry_shape}'. Available options are: {', '.join(space_groups.keys())}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
ProteinDownloader: A class to manage the download and organization of PDB files.
is_url_accessible(): Checks if the PDB file URL is accessible.
download_files(): Downloads and organizes PDB files into the specified directory.
How to Use:
Run the script with the desired symmetry and limit.
PDB files will be downloaded and organized in the pdb_files directory under the specified space group.
Space Groups:
The script includes a comprehensive list of space groups for various crystal symmetries. Users can select the desired space group to narrow down their search.
These scripts offer a user-friendly way to access and download PDB files from the RCSB PDB database, streamlining the process for researchers and developers working in the field of structural biology and crystallography.